The bridge of „Kozja ćuprija“ (Goat’s bridge) near Sarajevo

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There are many legends about how the bridge “Kozja ćuprija” was built. One of the first legends says that this bridge was built by a poor man named Meho. As a child, Meho was orphan. His neighbors took care of him. While Meho studied, he heard various stories about Turkish town Stambol (Istanbul) and its beauties. Meho kept the sheep near the river Miljacka near Sarajevo. He noticed one goat standing in place. In this place, legend says, Meho found several jars with gold. He went to Stambol, finished school, became a pasha. At the place where he found the jars, Meho built the bridge and called it “Kozja Cuprija”.

The second legend is about two brothers who also found treasure in one of the caves near the river Miljacka. One brother built a bridge thanks to the treasure, and another brother built a mosque in Bistrik (Kečedži Sinan’s mosque).

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The Kozja ćuprija is located in the Miljacka River Canyon approximately 4 kilometers east of the old city center of Sarajevo. The road (on which it bordered the river) is the famous Carigrad road, the path that went from Sarajevo towards the eastern parts of the Empire (during the Ottoman rule), all the way to Constantinople.

The Kozja ćuprija is one of the four old bridges that are still preserved in the area of ​​Sarajevo. The other three bridges are the Šeher-Čehaj’s Cuprija, the Latin Cuprija and the Roman Bridge (Plandište near Blažuj).

The Kozja ćuprija Bridge is made of limestone and sapwood. It has one bow with two circular apertures. The length of the bridge is 42 meters, the width is 4.75 meters, and the range of the vault is 17.5 meters.

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The Kozja ćuprija was a place where the emperors of the emperors – Viziers during the Ottoman rule – were welcomed. Every new Vizier had the so-called welcome to the bridge. Before him, all the more visible people in Sarajevo would come out, and a common people would also be gathered because it was one of the most important events for the city. It is also remembered that  some of the brave boys would jump from the bridge to the river Miljacka in honor of the new Vizier, and he would give them money.


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