10 facts about a healthy lifestyle

10 facts about a healthy lifestyle

  1. Adopting a healthy lifestyle will significantly improve a person’s health. The participation and choice of each individual is to have health as the greatest value of life. Sometimes we are unable to channel health despite our greatest desire (early childhood illnesses, inherited or acquired illnesses).
  2. But above all, the adoption of a healthier lifestyle suggests that a relatively healthy person and a person with an illness can always do better. The way of life is not given at birth or innate, but must be carefully chosen and developed over time (the aging of a person).
  3. In addition to sleep, the choice of food, age-adjusted physical activity and a life in harmony with society are also important. Everything should be according to needs and formed taste and opinion. Moderation is important.
  4. Habits are formed in early childhood and that’s when the “fight for health” begins. A healthy lifestyle means having healthy bones, properly formed muscles, strength and good mental and physical development. And a healthy diet can help in all activities as well as in the activities of the body’s immune system in the fight against disease.
  5. Physical activity establishes friendships, develops a sense of acceptance in the group and increases self-confidence in young people. Then they learn the rules of the “fair” game. The role of the family in a child’s sports life should be significant, because sports play a positive role in every period of life.
  6. By developing appropriate skills, a person learns about responsible behavior, which can also be evaluated as a healthy lifestyle.
  7. By adopting certain information (and advice) about health, by accepting attitudes, we aim to move towards a healthy lifestyle.
  8. Physical activity (dosed according to age) is important due to circulation, arterial and venous system, heart strength, heart rate and training. Interesting fact: Long walking, for example, has long been considered the optimal activity for people with high blood pressure. But stretching is also an important activity (stretching exercises for the whole body for half an hour 5 days a week or walking according to the same scheme. Stretching exercises will give noticeable results in normalizing blood pressure, while walking will help in a significant loss of body mass. During stretching exercises, stretches the muscles, and the blood vessels that feed the arteries, among other things. By reducing the stiffness of the arteries, blood flow is improved. The scientists advise paying special attention to the large muscle groups in the legs (muscles in the thighs and calves. Stretching reduces the risk of heart disease).
  9. Muscles relax, build and strengthen during rest. A good psychophysical condition will provide the body with enough energy during the day. The balance of rest and sleep (after physical and mental activity) is important. Sometimes we find a solution in dreams, and dreams also tell about the depth of sleep. It is necessary to go to sleep no later than 11 p.m. in order for a person to satisfy this requirement (a child between the ages of 3 and 8 has more nightmares than during his entire life). Airy rooms without negative content, heavy movies, scrolling through mobile phones, tobacco smoke before going to bed.
  10. An important factor is that a person should have good social interaction because the maintenance of mental and emotional health depends on good social interaction. We find social interaction in social contacts, learning, learning and adopting positive critical attitudes. You should always have the right measure and always that balance that pulls towards the best, regardless of whether it is nutrition, activity, rest, sleep, etc.

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