14 cosmetic recipes with coffee at home

14 cosmetic recipes with coffee at home
Coffee plants are grown in over 70 countries of the world, mostly in the equatorial regions of South America, South Asia, Africa and India. Brazil, for example, is one of the largest coffee producers in the world, as it exports a third of the world’s production. Coffee beans are harvested, processed and dried as soon as they are ripe. Green coffee beans are the most sold agricultural product in the world. The beans are roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired taste, and then ground. Coffee is a very popular drink that instantly boosts energy if consumed in moderation, but it is also an excellent ingredient in homemade cosmetics that solves many skin problems. The advantage of coffee is that it can be an ingredient in various peelings and masks for the face and body. It is always recommended to do a peeling first (to remove all the dead cells of the body) and then a mask – explain the beauticians.
The stimulating effect of moderate coffee use is known all over the world. Although there are many different scientific studies related to the influence of this drink on the human body, the latest studies indicate many positive effects that coffee has: it improves brain functions, reduces the chance of bone and joint diseases, has a preventive effect on cancerous diseases, accelerates human metabolism, has anti age effect, reduces the chance of cirrhosis of the liver.
Coffee is rich in caffeine and antioxidants, so it is an important ingredient in a large number of cosmetic products. Antioxidants give excellent results in anti-aging cosmetics because they can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines..Caffeine (due to its anti-inflammatory properties) is very useful in the fight against pimples and inflammatory processes on the skin and alleviating redness. Coffee is also useful for people with problems with swollen eyelids and problems with dark circles. Coffee is also useful because it is an excellent face and body peeling by removing dead cells, we encourage better blood circulation and thus skin elasticity, and in the fight against cellulite.
14 cosmetic recipes with coffee at home

  1. Peeling for face and body made of coffee – mix 2 spoons of homemade coffee or instant coffee with 3 spoons of virgin coconut oil, 5 drops of lavender essential oil and one spoon of brown sugar. Apply the mixture in circular motions to the skin of the face and body. Rinse the skin with warm water after a gentle massage. Peeling will perfectly clean the skin of impurities and remove dead cells. The skin becomes fresh and elastic, but such skin needs hydration. Any moisturizer can be used.
  2. Coffee and milk face mask – make a mixture of one spoonful of homemade ground black coffee or instant coffee with one to one and a half spoonfuls of medicine. Leave it like that for 5 minutes. Apply the mask gently on a clean face and leave it for 20 minutes. With cold water, remove the remains of the mask by gently massaging the face. The procedure can be done 2 to 3 times during the week. The skin is soft, hydrated and tender. The mask affects the reduction of skin redness and inflammatory processes.
  3. Peeling for the face from coffee grounds – mix half a spoonful of coffee grounds with a little yogurt. Gently rub it on your face and after 15 to 20 minutes, remove the residue with water.
  4. Peeling for the feet – rough and thickened skin on the feet requires a slightly more aggressive peeling. Mix a quarter of a cup of the following ingredients: coffee grounds with coarse sea salt and olive oil. Each ingredient should be ¼ cup. Rub it on your feet, put on socks and wash off after 15 to 20 minutes.
  5. Coffee grounds for body massage – the skin will be grateful if you massage your body with ½ cup of sugar, 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds and ¼ cup of almond or coconut oil during the shower.
  6. Coffee face mask against acne – mix 2 spoons of coffee with a quarter spoon of cinnamon and add coconut oil until you get a paste. Spread the paste with a brush or fingers all over the face and neck. Rinse with warm water after 10 to 15 minutes. The procedure can be performed twice a week. The face is clean without acne. Use turmeric (instead of cinnamon) if you have extremely sensitive skin. Cinnamon, in combination with coffee, blocks nitric oxide (the cause of subcutaneous inflammatory processes and the appearance of acne) and almost completely dries acne. Cinnamon also contains essential nutrients responsible for the prevention of clogged pores (which also reduces inflammatory processes on the skin caused by microorganisms).
  7. Coffee face mask for firm and tight skin – mix one spoonful of instant coffee or homemade black ground coffee with one spoonful of organic honey and one spoonful of yogurt. Apply the mask on a clean face. Wash off with warm water while gently massaging your face (to remove dead cells) after 20 minutes. It is recommended to perform the procedure 2 to 3 times (for the best result) during the week. Honey is a superfood that nourishes the body both externally and internally. In addition to all the benefits it brings when used for beauty purposes, honey also has an antibacterial effect that protects against harmful bacteria, and also moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Coffee and yogurt have a combined antioxidant effect that contributes to skin tightening and the fight against signs of aging. Antioxidants from coffee and of yogurt responsible for the rapid renewal of skin cells, and for a radiant, youthful appearance.
    8. Coffee mask for brightening the skin against hyperpigmentation and spots on the face. Mix one tablespoon of instant coffee or homemade coffee with one tablespoon of turmeric and yogurt. Make a thick paste. Apply the mask to the face and neck and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes. Remove the mask by gently massaging your face in circular motions. Use the mask 2-3 times a week to have lighter and shinier skin. Hyperpigmentation is caused by a higher production of melanin, which is responsible for the tone of our skin. The less melanin, the brighter and more radiant the skin. Curcumin – the main component of turmeric, reduces the production of melanin and thus helps to remove blemishes and dark spots. Turmeric also has anti-inflammatory properties that calm the skin, and together with the lactic acid from yogurt, it helps fight bacteria.
    9. Coffee and olive oil face mask for dry skin – Olive oil is an excellent ingredient in food, and due to its exceptional healing properties, it is also widely used in cosmetics. Namely, olive oil is rich in vitamins A, K, D and E. Vitamin A strengthens collagen and gives the skin elasticity; Vitamin D helps cell renewal; Vitamin E smoothes fine lines and wrinkles; Vitamin K fights against stretch marks and cracked capillaries on the skin. ;Coffee is an excellent diuretic, and therefore strengthens blood vessels and prevents swelling of the face caused by the presence of toxins. Mix one tablespoon of instant coffee with one tablespoon of olive oil. Make a compact mass that should be applied to the face except for the area around the eyes. Wait 5 to 10 minutes and wash off the mask with warm water. To treat dry skin and get the best results, repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.
    10. Coffee and lemon juice face mask for oily skin – mix one tablespoon of coffee and enough lemon juice to make a compact mixture. Apply the mask on a clean face and wash it off with warm water after half an hour. Use once a week for best results. Lemon is full of vitamin C, which prevents the secretion of excess sebum from the sebaceous glands, which attracts free radicals that are responsible for clogging skin pores.
    11.Anti-wrinkle mask made of coffee, egg yolk and lemon – Lemon juice, in addition to preventing the secretion of excess sebum, strengthens collagen, which is responsible for firm and taut skin. Egg yolk provides elasticity and natural skin moisture because it contains a high concentration of lutein. The combination of all ingredients reduces wrinkles and tightens the skin. Put one spoonful of coffee in the container and add the egg yolk (separated from the egg white). Add half a spoonful of lemon juice. Mix the ingredients. Wash off the mask with warm water after 20 minutes with gentle massaging movements. Use this face mask 2-3 times a week to have as tight a skin as possible without wrinkles.
    12. Massage oil with coffee for face and body care – pour a cup of extra virgin coconut (or almond) oil and half a cup of ground coffee into a glass jar. Cover the jar and shake well. Be sure to shake the jar every day or every other day. Filter the resulting oil through cheesecloth (or a coffee filter) after 2 to 3 weeks. Oil with coffee is ideal for the area around the eyes because it brightens dark circles and dark circles, and you can also apply it to strengthen the skin around the eyes.
    Use for moisturizing the face and body, and it is also ideal for treating stretch marks and cellulite.
    For all of you who want to use nature for the purpose of care and beauty, there are various natural creams against wrinkles, dark circles, and problems with the skin of the face in general. Anti-wrinkle creams made from completely natural ingredients can remove the first signs of aging and soften already existing wrinkles on mature skin.
    13. Natural coffee and frankincense cream against wrinkles and puffiness of the eyelids – Wrinkles around the eyes are not beautiful or attractive, they spoil the beauty of the face and definitely indicate the first signs of aging. The first step is to make coffee oil from the previous recipe. Melt half a spoonful of beeswax and 2 spoons of shea butter in a steamer until they are completely combined. Add coffee oil, one tablespoon of rosehip seed oil, 7 tablespoons of chamomile essential oil and 10 drops of frankincense essential oil. Add the oil from 3 vitamin E capsules. Mix all the ingredients. Store in a glass jar at room temperature until cool. Otherwise, store in the fridge. Apply the cream to the area around the eyes by gently tapping or gently massaging, so that the skin absorbs it as quickly as possible. Always apply it to cleansed skin, preferably in the evening, as a night cream and as the last step in daily skin care before going to bed – after cleansing the face, washing and before applying the night cream. Precautions: To be sure, before applying it to the area around the eyes, do a test by trying it on another part of the skin of the body. Namely, although it is completely natural and without chemicals, this cream contains essential oils that can cause allergic reaction. Frankincense essential oil is extremely useful for dry and mature skin. Removes acne, acne scars, hydrates the skin and slows down the signs of aging. Chamomile essential oil is very useful in healing the skin and reducesof inflammatory processes. This oil is a real ally in the fight against “bags” under the eyes and dark circles. Rosehip oil is great for oily skin because it penetrates deep into the skin and the skin absorbs it well. It contains a high percentage of vitamins C and A and lycopene, which remove wrinkles and scars due to its regenerative properties. It also helps to remove spots caused by the sun’s rays. Shea butter is very beneficial for skin health. It contains vitamin A in large quantities, so it limits the production of free radicals that can damage skin cells. Vitamin E oil is food for hydrated skin and helps fight free radicals that cause wrinkles, age spots, etc. Almond oil contains retinol, an ingredient that moisturizes delicate skin. the skin under the eyes, leaving it soft and without fine lines. Vitamin K from almond oil reduces discoloration under the eyes, i.e. dark circles.
    14. Peeling and coffee lip mask – Lips are the most sensual part of the face, it is very important that they are beautiful and cared for. Chapped lips are not attractive and cause discomfort. Soft and healthy lips require peeling and a coffee face mask. Mix half a spoonful of coffee, half a spoonful of honey, 2 drops of lavender essential oil. Rub your lips in circular motions for 30 seconds. Leave a few minutes for the ingredients to work. Rinse off. In this way, we remove dead cells, dry, chapped skin from the lips and make them smooth and soft.

source https://minutzamene.com/maska-za-lice-od-kafe/


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