If a person really has a desire and a goal, then events will happen in that person’s life that will cause the wish (goal) to be realized, psychologist Jung believed.

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If a person really has a desire and a goal, then events will happen in that person’s life that will cause the wish (goal) to be realized, psychologist Jung believed.
The Swiss psychologist Jung had 3 techniques (steps) towards achieving the goal
If a person really has a desire and a goal that he wants to achieve, then an event will certainly happen in that person’s life – the event will cause the realization of that goal and desire – psychologist Jung believed.
The Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung believed that “miracles only happen in the lives of those people who have prepared the fertile ground”.
Psychologist Jung developed the “theory of synchronicity”. The essence of his theory is as follows: if a person really has a desire and a goal, then events will occur in that person’s life that will cause the wish (goal) to be realized. For example, a bank employee dreams of becoming a poet and has been writing poetry for a long time. One day he makes a firm decision to show poetry (creativity) to a real writer, but there is none among his friends. A bank clerk and accidental poet meets an experienced writer two days later. He gets help from a writer and publishes his first collection of poetry. Meeting the writer is a manifestation of synchronicity. It requires the presence of 3 important components that depend on the individual.

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

— C.G. Jung

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.”

— C.G. Jung

  1. Conceptualizing the goal (desire) – a person should remember the greatest desire that lifts the mood even if he speaks the desire. That is why a person should think about the desire without fear. If the person does not have any wishes, then think about the answer in relation to the question – what would you like if you had a magic wand?.
  2. Formulation of the goal – the desire for reality is bound by a clear formulation of the goal and several items related to the achievement of the goal. There is no need to think about the means by which dreams will come true because life will take care of those necessary means on its own.
  3. Action is important besides dreams and planning – action is important besides dreams and planning goals and desires. Even if the goal is very far away, small steps can always be taken towards achieving the goal. For example, a person fantasizes about traveling to Berlin. To begin with, you can look at photos of Berlin, learn the German language and learn the history of Berlin and Germany and all the details (and information) about beautiful Berlin. Life will probably bring a surprise after that time, for example a plane ticket to Berlin.





Museum Haus C.G. Jung
Seestrasse 228
CH-8700 Küsnacht


Thu – Fri: 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm / Sat: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm (1-2x a month)
last entry 30 minutes before closing time



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