12 tips for better sleep

12 tips for better sleep
Good and quality sleep is important due to accumulated stress (stress can be a trigger for hypertension, the cause of premature wrinkles, the cause of deep folds on the lips, the skin becoming gray and “dead”, cellulite, obesity, hair loss and deterioration of vision). There are always some other tips for better and quality sleep. Research shows that as many as 67% of adults wake up at least once during the night. And fatigue is not the only consequence of that. Lack of quality sleep weakens the immune system and causes problems (high blood pressure, poor memory, depression, heart disease, diabetes and cancer). Natural techniques (selected by experts) help the person to calm down and fall asleep again in an instant.

  1. A suitable and high-quality mattress – today there are mattresses on which one part moves and the other remains fixed. A memory foam mattress is often recommended, although some people may find such a mattress too warm. Research suitable mattresses before purchasing/purchasing.
  2. Using sleep aids – earplugs, eye masks, dark curtains (and the like) help cancel out surrounding sensory stimuli (such as noise, light on, etc.).
  3. It is desirable that each person has his own blanket (if the bed is used by more than one person) – for example in Scandinavia and some European countries it is quite common for each person to have a separate mattress and a separate blanket.
  4. Snoring often helps people get rid of extra pounds (body mass). Snoring is a common phenomenon, although it can disrupt quality sleep. If the snoring is quite pronounced, then a visit to the doctor is recommended because there is a possibility that the person has apnea. The same applies if you have chronic insomnia and other medical conditions that affect sleep.
  5. It is useful to sleep on your side instead of on your back or stomach.
  6. Find out the reasons for sleep deprivation: constant sweating (reduce alcohol, caffeine, and spicy food), leg cramps (reduce fat intake), heartburn (avoid meals right before bedtime), thirst (look at the color of urine, maybe not drink enough fluids if the urine is any color other than light yellow), loud snoring (reduce alcohol, body weight and smoking), be sure to see a doctor if breathing stops, nightmares (try the technique of imagining positive outcomes of your nightmares during the day. This will help your give the brain a treasure trove of alternative possibilities the next time you sleep).
  7. Blinking trick that relaxes the eyelids – lie in the dark with your eyes open. Start counting backwards from 300 in your mind slowly until you feel that you can no longer keep your eyes open. Then blink quickly and as fast as you can for 30 seconds. When you can no longer blink, then close your eyes and fall asleep (explains Ailsa Frank, hypnotherapist).https://www.ailsafrank.com/
  8. ASMR Sound Therapy – try ASMR therapy instead of listening to music. ASMR stands for “Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response” – which means that tingles run down the back of your head and spine. It increases the feeling of pleasantness and can help a person fall into a deep sleep. Try downloading an ASMR app or listening to ASMR videos on a YouTube channel (Kevin Shipers lifecouch explains). https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8PWa-jG7U_G1PqpFVapbnV7EkzdcwWCzhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6gLlIAnzg7eJ8VuXDCZ_vg
  9. Ch Gong movements- Chi gong is an alternative method ie a form of medicine used to treat one’s energy field. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your legs slightly bent at the knees. Raise your hands parallel to the ground, palms facing down. Let all parts of your body relax as you breathe with closed eyes and relaxed facial muscles. This will help calm the mind and emotions.
  10. Brain scanner that calms and manages stress – try following the Neil Shah technique from the Stress Management Society. Scan your own body from head to toe paying attention to “points of tension”. Raise your shoulders as high as you can towards your ears while taking a deep breath. Hold your shoulders like this for a few seconds. Then exhale long and slowly, lowering your shoulders. Repeat several times. Then place the fingers of both hands on the scalp. Massage the area from the scalp to the neck in slow, circular motions. Close your eyes and relax your facial muscles. Place the fingers of both hands on both sides of the temple and massage gently in circular motions. Finish by covering your eyes with your palms. Hold it like that for a few seconds.
  11. Breathing meditation with the 4-7-8 technique – the 4-7-8 technique will calm the mind so that a person gains distance from everyday life and his own thoughts – explains couch Stuart Sandeman, founder of “Breathpod”. Breathe in through your nose to the count of four. Hold your breath for a count of 7. Exhale with your eyes closed for a count of eight. Repeat 4 rounds.
  12. Visualizing a peaceful place – this technique focuses the human mind on something relaxing, explains sleep expert James Wilson. This lowers your heart rate and puts your body in a sleepy state. Simply imagine the place that gives you the most security. Focus on filling the space with details (for example, the color of the water or the sky). Keep your focus until you fall asleep.








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