A person can influence changes that begin at the age of 30

A person can influence changes that begin at the age of 30
Aging is a natural and uncomfortable process (due to certain health problems). Changes are present in the body and on the body, but advice/help should be sought in consultation with a doctor. In women (during menopause and perimenopause), progesterone first decreases, then estrogen, while the stress hormone (cortisol) increases.
Already after the age of 30, changes gradually occur (that is, a decrease in the level of collagen in the body, a change in mood, a decrease in the number of neurons in the brain, weaker bones and osteoporosis). All this affects weight gain and behavior. But, people can influence these changes and facilitate them to a certain extent as they develop in the future – according to general practitioners and specialist doctors for hormone therapy.
Changes and troubleshooting tips

  1. Changes in hormonal status are the cause of aging symptoms (and they are especially pronounced around the age of 40) – the entire metabolism slows down. Women have a tendency to gain extra weight around the stomach, while many people suffer from low energy and irritability in general. You should not suffer in silence but talk to your general practitioner about this problem.
  2. The amount of collagen decreases by 1% every year starting in the mid-twenties.– sagging skin and wrinkles are the first thought of people when it comes to aging. The cause of everything is collagen (structural protein responsible for supporting hair, skin and joints). Collagen production drops sharply in women after menopause. Then changes (like wrinkles) start to be noticed. Choose ultra-hydrating skin care to compensate for the lack of moisture.
  3. The brain shrinks with age – the brain gets smaller from the middle of the 30s. This means that there is a gradual loss of brain cells – according to neurologists. However, humans have about 86 billion neurons, so there will hardly be a lack of neurons. The ability to process information in the brain decreases, but this does not mean a decrease in general intelligence. As people get older, they acquire knowledge and experience that they did not have before. It has been proven that physical activity slows down the shrinking of the brain, so it is desirable that a person sometimes sweats from moderate physical exertion.
  4. Bone health becomes important because the body tries to absorb the same amount of calcium as before – calcium is absorbed in the intestines in two ways: independently through the so-called passive transport that occurs and is enabled by estrogen. Estrogen levels decrease around menopause, and less calcium is absorbed – explain nutritionists. Another way involves vitamin D (which is metabolized less efficiently with aging). It is recommended that you consume 10 micrograms of vitamin D daily (with food, supplements and sunlight) and 700 mg of calcium, or 1200 mg of calcium (for post-menopausal women).

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