Check aloia vera (juice from the plant) on your own skin before including this plant in skin care. Apply aloe vera gel to a small area of ​​the skin (for example, the inside of the wrist or elbow and wait 24 hours due to possible unwanted reactions of your skin before applying it to the face)

Aloia vera is used with green tea, cucumber tea extract or rose water for facial care (hydrates the skin without feeling greasy)
Aloia vera can be used in 3 ways for facial care (apply directly from the plant, mix with a homemade mask or use the finished product)
Aloia vera is a plant with striking light green leaves that have the appearance of a blossoming star. Aloia vera is a fascinating plant due to its appearance and benefits to our skin from the juice of plant leaves. Thick leaves of aloia vera plant with thick viscous juices (like a gel) have always been used due to the treatment of burns and soothing effect.
Aloia vera is an excellent ingredient for facial skin care due to its soothing and moisturizing properties, which is why this plant is now a common ingredient in many skin care products.
Aloia vera maintains skin moisture, alleviates inflammatory conditions, acne and promotes wound healing. However, check aloe vera on your own skin before including this plant in skin care. Apply aloe vera gel to a small area of ​​the skin (for example, the inside of the wrist or elbow and wait 24 hours due to possible unwanted reactions of your skin before applying it to the face). .
Applying aloe vera can cause redness, burning and rashes if you have sensitive skin.
Aloe vera can be used in 3 ways for facial skin care: apply directly to the skin, mix in a homemade mask or use a ready-made cosmetic product with aloe vera).

  1. The most efficient way is to apply it directly from the plant leaf – cut off a small piece from the top of the leaf. Peel off and apply the gel on the face. If you cut off more, then you can keep the rest in the fridge in a glass jar. In this way, pure and natural aloe vera without preservatives is used.
  2. Preparations with the aloe vera plant at home – the possibilities are unlimited with skin care recipes made from the aloe vera plant. Squeeze the plant into a body peeling that soothes the skin, add a little vitamin C to make your own antioxidant serum, or combine a spoonful of aloe vera gel with a spoonful of honey to make a soothing mask against acne.
  3. Aloia vera is used with green tea, cucumber tea extract or rose water in facial care (hydrates the skin without feeling greasy) – many products contain aloe vera as a key ingredient because it soothes and hydrates the skin. Sometimes aloe vera is not even a prominent ingredient, but it is included in the composition (mixture). Aloia vera is widely present in products that soothe the skin and, for example, facial cleansing gel.
  4. Aloia vera has a tightening effect, so it reduces the visibility of pores and creates smooth skin. Accelerates the healing of wounds, burns and other minor injuries.
  5. Aloe vera fights acne and pimples thanks to its antibacterial and soothing properties. Hydrates the skin without feeling greasy.
  6. They help almost immediately against the inflammatory properties of the plant due to burns and redness
  7. Aloia vera soothes irritations, rashes and inflammatory conditions.
  8. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E, which help protect against damage.

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