“Write” in the air with your nose like a pencil, for example the numbers 1 to 10 (if your neck hurts or is stiff)

“Write” in the air with your nose like a pencil, for example the numbers 1 to 10 (if your neck hurts or is stiff)
Ossification of the neck or osteochondrosis of the neck accompanied by dizziness can occur (among other things) after sleeping for a long time in an uncomfortable bed (the neck part of the spine was in an incorrect position). Any improper position of the body (head and neck) for a long period of time can disrupt circulation and cause dizziness. However, there are simple exercises that can be done at home (apart from visiting a doctor/specialist to solve the problem). Start doing exercises every morning, 2 to 3 repetitions if the condition is very difficult, then five and gradually bring to 10 repetitions. In the first few days, it is better to exercise with someone’s accompaniment for safety purposes and to avoid sudden dizziness/seizure.
Otherwise, osteochondrosis (ossification) is an irreversible process, but the development can be significantly reduced (slowed down) with gymnastics. The most important thing is to do the exercises daily. Contraindications: recent operations, heart attack, stroke, pregnancy, mental disorders, acute stage of chronic disease, severe pain in joints and spine (keeping in mind also pain during exercise).

  1. Initial position-sitting, back straight, face looking forward. Look up, stretching your neck forward as much as possible. Count to 7. The chin should not tip forward. Then relax the neck muscles and return to the starting position.
  2. Turn to the left the maximally tightened head, count to 7, relax and return to the starting position. Do the same on the right side.
  3. Bend your head back slightly (do not throw your head back suddenly). Count to 7. Relax and return to the starting position.
  4. Pull the chin towards the chest. In the beginning, you should not strain too much, let that part of the body slide slightly. It is important to gradually increase the tension, lowering the chin lower and lower, and then return to the initial position (the head is upright). Thus alternately combine stress with relaxation.
  5. Let your nose be a writing pen. Use your nose like a pencil to write in the air, for example, numbers from 1 to 10.

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