Stairs are a free multi-functional fitness device that strengthens health and helps with weight loss.

Stairs are a free multi-functional fitness device that strengthens health and helps with weight loss.

Ordinary stairs can replace state-of-the-art trainers and a “handful” of medicines
If you don’t bypass ordinary stairs, then such stairs can replace ultramodern trainers for exercise and a “handful” of medicines. Stairs are a free multi-functional fitness device that strengthens health and helps with weight loss.

  1. Stairs against calories – Walking (and even better running) stairs (up and down) is the best way to get rid of extra pounds. Research shows that such training helps burn up to 500 Kcal/hour. But if you do at least 10 steps on the stairs a day, then the results will not be serious, neither the change in body weight nor the figure. On average, it takes 20 to 25 minutes of walking up the stairs to get the desired results, that is, for weight loss to be effective.
  2. Stairs are useful for strengthening muscles – walking stairs can become anyone’s daily routine. Forget the elevator and use the stairs at every possible opportunity (situation). Ascents and descents strengthen the muscles of the stomach, thighs and back.
  3. Stairs against stroke – walking up the stairs 2 to 3 times a day reduces the risk of stroke by a third – according to statistics. Exercising on the stairs is considered Cardiotraining because it strengthens the heart muscles. Scientists confirm: People who use the stairs (instead of the elevator, for example) are exposed to a 5x lower risk of coronary disease.
  4. Stairs for longevity – Doctors say that moderately walking stairs prevents the development of many pathologies, especially in the elderly population. This sport lowers cholesterol levels, increases lung volume and improves metabolism. Exercising on the stairs provides intensive cleaning of the respiratory system (which lowers the risk of infection and colds). Walking up the stairs also increases the production of synovial fluid in the joints (which acts as a lubricant and is very important due to mobility).
  5. Climbing and descending stairs involves the pituitary gland. This part of the brain controls the production of hormones that contribute to the rejuvenation of the body, good memory, prevention of cataracts, and normal functioning of the pancreas.
  6. Training with stairs (ascent and descent) will be effective if you warm up before training and stretch your muscles after training. Walk and run non-stop without pausing or stopping. Breathe deeply through your nose. Do not talk on the phone during exercises. When going up the stairs (climbing the stairs) and coming down the stairs (going down the stairs), keep roughly the same pace.

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  1. This is excellent ~ very well researched and presented.

    We also agree that it’s unnecessary to go through all the expense, inconvenience and transportation involved in gym membership to get fit ~ especially in a world in which there’s more volunteer work to be done than we can even see the end of.

    Great write!

    Liked by 2 people

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