5 chair exercises replace back massage, remove tension and relax muscles (all exercises are performed slowly and without jerking)

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5 chair exercises replace back massage, remove tension and relax muscles (all exercises are performed slowly and without jerking)
Light exercises at home massage the back and relax the muscles. They can be performed at home or during work. They are suitable for people who spend most of the day sitting and do not have the money or time to visit professional therapists.
Otherwise, “immobility” (non- moving) leaves a mark on health. Thus, constant sitting in front of the computer or monotonous sedentary work causes tightness in the neck and thoracic region of the spine (which causes back pain). Muscles need light massages after a hard day. Going for a massage is often difficult to do, even though it would be ideal. These exercises remove tension, relax the muscles and stretch the spine. The person (after performing the exercises) has the feeling that he had a session with an experienced therapist. All exercises are done slowly without jerking. They can be done in the office, during a break from work (to make the second part of a busy working day easier for you in the second half of the day).

  1. Rope – helps in the fight against pain in the belt as well as disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It is done sitting on a chair in a position where the back of the chair rests against your hip. The back is straight and the legs are shoulder width apart. The feet are glued to the floor. Turn your body to one side while inhaling and hold on to the back of the chair. In this position, do 5 inhalations and 5 exhalations. Then return to the original position. Do 3x to the left and 3x to the right.
  2. Butterfly wings – this exercise improves circulation in the cervical part of the spine, returning it to the correct position. It is performed at the end of a chair with a straight back. The feet are completely glued to the floor and shoulder width apart. The fingers are intertwined at the back of the head. Elbows are spread to the side. With an inhale, stretch your chest forward (back is straight) while simultaneously stretching your arms up to the side. Return your hands to the initial position during exhalation and bend your spine, stretching the neck and chest. Towing should be pleasant. Do not allow sharp movements or jerks. Repeat 5 to 7 times.
  3. The cat’s back exercise relieves tightness in the belt by returning that part of the spine to its normal position. It is performed sitting on a chair with a straight spine. Put your hands on your knees, your legs are shoulder-width apart, and your feet are firmly attached to the floor. Put your shoulder blades together, stretch your head upwards, trying to push your chest forward as much as possible – when exhaling. Bend your back during exhalation, lowering your head to your chest as much as possible (you will feel your back stretch). Do the exercise 7 to 8 times.
  4. Ballerina – exercise is great for getting the blood (circulation) going after a tiring day in a sitting position. It involves stretching the muscles of the chest and hips. It is performed sitting on a chair with a straight spine. Hands are relaxed and placed on the seat of the chair. Lower the right shoulder by relaxing the shoulder as you inhale. Raise your left hand and lean to the right, slowly pulling your hip muscles. Stretch the other side in the same way. Try to keep the spine straight without the body leaning forward or backward. Do 10 times on each side.
  5. Bird – this exercise removes fatigue in the legs, stretches the muscles of the thighs and waist. It is performed by sitting on a chair. Place the ankle of the right leg on the knee of the left leg, lowering the right knee as far as you can. Lean forward to touch your stomach to your thigh. Keep your back straight. Stay in the maximally low position for 5 breaths/exhalations. Return to the starting position. Do 3 exercises with each leg.
  6. After these exercises (if they are performed at home), there is another very effective exercise. This exercise is practiced by many Pilates and fitness trainers and is ideal for ending any training session. The exercise helps to remove tension from the belt and the entire back. It is necessary to lie on your back on the carpet when performing the exercise. Bend both knees and bring them to your chest. Then grab one knee with your hands and straighten the other leg and lower it to the carpet. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Bend both knees again and repeat on the other side. Mandatory: you can put your leg down on the carpet only after placing the other leg firmly against your chest.


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