A climate-friendly lifestyle is a hit with people

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A climate-friendly lifestyle is a hit with people

  1. Most people have the necessary (and sufficient) knowledge, then education and some privilege to make decisions on the issue of climate and protection of climate conditions. But doing nothing is of course a kind of decision. Climate protection should be much simpler. Then there would be more climate protection activists.
  2. Facts often make people powerless. Nevertheless, an individual can “extricate himself” from impotence. Every individual has at least once asked himself what he can do. It is important to know that people in general are not powerless. Politics includes both politicians and the whole society. The possibilities for people to live in an environment suitable for any climate are therefore versatile.
  3. It is important to start with small things. Climate protection can be viewed as a chance for us all to live a healthier, more active and more conscious life. People need to be brought closer to climate change (and this approach then gives more space to point out the same).
  4. Frameworks are needed to create a simpler and climate-friendly life for everyone. An individual does not need to be a scientist or a climate expert (or a molecular biologist, etc.) to save a little CO2 in his daily life. A tax on CO2 emissions would be commendable for conscious and climate-friendly behavior.
  5. Every individual is a consumer (of something) and can, for example, contact companies and find out (inquire) about alternative products suitable for our climate.
  6. We can use another form of account (in banks, for example, online banking) in banks where the use of paper is reduced (for printing bank orders, checks, statements, etc.) and thus we save forests and forest wealth, we can use eco-electricity (of course, if we have such possibilities), take public city transport or a bicycle or include walking (again if we have such possibilities and for example short distances), incorporate a diet based on plant products.
  7. Every person who makes a little effort to preserve the living environment and climate then becomes a role model for others. Climate protection is often compared to giving up. However, a climate-friendly lifestyle is a hit. Most things (which are based on it) are convenient for people.
  8. It is therefore important to start with small changes and continue with deeper penetration. Every change will be noticeable and every new change will be more noticeable.
  9. Sometimes examine your own actions towards climate and environmental protection. Research your CO2 emissions every few months (make it your personal ritual for a better life).
  10. Pay attention to the things you buy and the true need for those items (and the like) and their true use. For example, women can occasionally use natural cosmetics (made from pure natural ingredients that they already have in the kitchen and household, for example olive oil is one example because it is used in salads, dishes and in general cooking, but also as a natural ingredient in hair masks, face masks, etc.) .


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