6 tips on using the lucky butterfly decorations in the home

6 tips on using butterfly decorations in the home

  1. Wall decorations, paintings with butterflies and objects in the shape of butterflies help to establish good personal relationships and represent an important factor in love relationships – according to Chinese Feng shui philosophy
  2. The butterfly brings good energy and freshness to every community. A butterfly ignites passion and romance.
  3. Just one detail in the form of a butterfly can attract joy and happiness to interiors.
  4. Entire swarms of butterflies can be used for interior decoration and home (and business) decor. Grouping butterflies (when choosing decoration in the room) increases the influence and good energy that butterflies bring into the room.
  5. The butterfly is normally a symbol of happiness according to the Feng Shui philosophy of spatial arrangement.
  6. It is even not too demanding to draw a butterfly on paper and you do not need any special painting (artistic) talent. You can personally try to draw a butterfly and frame it in an interesting frame and place the picture on the wall. It would be your personal stamp on the home.

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