5 plants that cool down, create a pleasant environment and replace the air conditioner

5 plants that cool down, create a pleasant environment and replace the air conditioner

Plants block the sun’s rays and cool the surrounding air by “sweating”. Reproducing this effect in home conditions can help maintain a cooler and more pleasant environment during the summer. Here are some of the best indoor plants that create a pleasant environment, cool the hot air and to some extent replace air conditioners.

  1. Aloe vera – releases water vapor with its own sweat, increasing humidity in the air and refreshing the environment. Furthermore, the gel (contained in aloe vera leaves) has soothing and refreshing properties that can be used on the skin to relieve sunburns and skin irritations (common in summer). Aloe vera prefers direct or indirect light and well-drained soil. Water regularly, allowing the soil to dry completely between two waterings. It does not tolerate water stagnation.
  2. Spathiphyllum – purifies the air by eliminating pollutants (such as formaldehyde and benzene). Spathiphyllum increases humidity by releasing water vapor through sweat. This aspect creates a cooler and wetter microclimate, alleviating the stuffy feeling typical during hot days. It prefers indirect light and likes moist but well-drained soil. Water regularly, avoiding water stagnation. Fertilize every 2-3 months during spring and summer.
  3. Calathea – Native to tropical rainforests, this plant loves moisture and releases it into the air through transpiration, helping to freshen the environment. Calathea has large and broad leaves that also provide a surface for water to evaporate, further increasing humidity. It requires indirect light and moist, but well-drained soil. Water regularly, avoiding water stagnation. Spray the leaves often to maintain high humidity. Fertilize every 2-3 months during spring and summer.
  4. Cyclamen – Increases humidity by releasing water vapor through sweat, creating a cooler and wetter microclimate. Furthermore, it has a soothing effect that promotes restful sleep, especially useful during hot nights. This plant prefers indirect light and moist but well-drained soil. Water regularly, avoiding water stagnation. Fertilize every 2 months during flowering.
  5. Ficus Benjamin – A tropical plant capable of purifying the air by eliminating various substances, increasing humidity through transpiration.
    The wide leaves offer a significant surface area for water to evaporate, helping to cool the environment. Ficus prefers indirect light and moist but well-drained soil. Water regularly, avoiding water stagnation. Fertilize every 2-3 months during spring and summer.

cover page Cyclamen (www.pexels.com)

lower image Ficus Benjamin (www.pexels.com)



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