10 health benefits of listening to pleasant music

10 health benefits of listening to pleasant music

  1. Experts who deal with music research in general also give advice on the choice of music. Music therapists believe that pleasant music affects a person’s mood (which has a direct impact on the process of remembering and solving current life problems).
  2. Favorite songs improve cognitive functions, helping to increase working capacity through emotions, improve memory and attention. Unpleasant music, on the contrary, has a negative effect on the brain.
  3. However, favorite songs can “distract” the attention and completely “immerse” the brain only in listening to such songs, which is not desirable while doing work.
  4. During work and training to improve memory, it is preferable to listen to neutral music at a moderate volume (music that does not cause any emotions).
  5. Music therapists recommend giving preference to classical music, instrumental compositions (without words), songs in foreign languages and nature sounds to improve memory.
  6. Listening to music too loud makes it difficult to concentrate, very distracting and generally harmful to health. Moderate strength is always desirable.
  7. Oriental music and Indian songs are also a good choice of music. Mozart’s music improves the perception of space (according to some studies) and helps with concentration and attention.
  8. Mozart’s music has a long-term positive effect. The effect of listening lasts for several days and sometimes for weeks.
  9. Mozart’s compositions harmonize the work of both hemispheres of the brain and sharpen attention and focus.
  10. Listening to Mozart’s music generally improves the health of the human body as a whole.

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