Chickpeas are an excellent source of phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Of the vitamins, there is the most thiamine, which coordinates the activity of muscles and nerves, and keeps the heart working.

Chickpeas are an excellent source of phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Of the vitamins, there is the most thiamine, which coordinates the activity of muscles and nerves, and keeps the heart working.
10 doctor’s advice regarding food preparation

  1. Blue eggplant contains more than 90% water. It has a lot of cellulose and has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs. It contains pectin, which lowers cholesterol levels. Blue eggplant is rich in saponin, which has anti-allergic, antioxidant properties. Anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. A meal with eggplant is characteristic of Mediterranean cuisine. It is prepared quickly and does not require a long stay in the kitchen during hot days. If the blue eggplant is peeled an hour before cooking to soften it, then the preparation time can be shortened.
  2. Cabbage is a juicy and very tasty food, high in nutrients and low in calories. The stalk and leaves of kohlrabi contain more vitamins and mineral salts than the fruit (especially carotene and phosphorus), so they can be used when preparing meals. Cabbage can be eaten while it is young, but it cannot be stored for a long time (except in the fridge and deep frozen) because it quickly becomes woody and hard. Pale green kohlrabi, which is suitable for growing in greenhouses, is most often used.
  3. Chickpeas can usually be bought in bulk, in health food stores and supermarkets. Dry chickpeas should be soaked in water before cooking and left overnight. After draining the chickpeas and rinsing them with water, then cook the chickpeas in water in a ratio of 1:3 until the water boils in a covered pot. Then cover and cook for another 1.5 to 2 hours. 100 grams of chickpeas contains 365 kcal and fully meets the recommended daily intake of manganese. Chickpeas are an excellent source of phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Of the vitamins, there is the most thiamine, which coordinates the activity of muscles and nerves, and keeps the heart working. Chickpeas are an excellent source of protein. The nutritional value of chickpeas is enhanced in combination with whole grains.
  4. Integral rice is much healthier and better quality than white rice. It has a shell and a germ and contains more nutrients than white rice – several times more magnesium, vitamin B1 and folic acid. Rice is always placed in already boiling water, and the ratio between rice and water should be 1:4. Rice is cooked for 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the type.
  5. Blackberries contain the pigment anthocyanin, which protects cells from reactive radicals and thus reduces the possibility of cancer and the spread of diseases (especially of the esophagus and colon). The special medicinal properties of blackberries are in the content of organic iron and vitamins, which are of great importance to pregnant women, nursing mothers, people in puberty and women in menopause.
  6. Oyster mushrooms are rich in proteins, so they are very nutritious. They also contain a lot of vitamins (B1, B2, C and D), minerals (Calcium, zinc, iron and potassium), dietary fiber, antibiotics and immunostimulants. They are suitable for the diet of diabetics because they contain complex carbohydrates. Keep mushrooms in the fridge only in paper packaging or in a dry, airy and cool place. Do not reheat dishes with mushrooms to avoid the formation of toxins.
  7. Sardines are most often bought canned, but they are also very rich in iodine and vitamin D, so they are recommended for people with arthritis. They also contain a large amount of calcium, so they are important for strengthening hair, bones and nails. Canned sardines can be found on the market in various options (with lemon, with chili, in olive or vegetable oil, with vegetables).
  8. Spinach is very rich in minerals and vitamins (especially A and K), folates, lutein, which are important in the prevention of certain eye diseases. However, the high content of oxalic acid can cause problems for people with kidney disease (especially if the spinach is raw). Spinach should be washed well under running water, because sand and soil remain on the leaves and stalks, and they may contain micro-organisms that would make the meal unhealthy and unsafe for health.
  9. The sour cream should be well chilled in order to whip it well (before preparing a dish). Liquid sweetener can be used instead of sugar. The liquid sweetener will melt faster if they are stored in the fridge beforehand.
  10. Cherries are an extremely valuable food (they are rich in vitamin C, group B, potassium and cobalt, which has a beneficial effect on lowering blood pressure, strengthening blood vessels, especially capillaries). An important ingredient of sour cherries is coumarin, which has the ability to reduce blood density, so sour cherries are also good for preventing arteriosclerosis.


  1. Great advice as usual. I always enjoyed the hospital ward rounds with one particular doctor. We both shared the belief that good nutrition and getting out into nature were essential for well being. His knowledge came from Ayurvedic values. Always enjoy your posts. Thank you.

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