Grapefruit is an ideal snack. Only half of a grapefruit provides the daily need for vitamin C. Grapefruit is an excellent source of plant fiber and vitamin A, has few calories and creates a feeling of satiety.

Grapefruit is an ideal snack. Only half of a grapefruit provides the daily need for vitamin C. Grapefruit is an excellent source of plant fiber and vitamin A, has few calories and creates a feeling of satiety.

  1. Blue eggplant contains a thermo-unstable toxin that can cause gastrointestinal problems in some people. For this reason, blue eggplant should be thermally processed before use. The flesh of blue eggplant changes color very quickly if it is exposed to air. That’s why the eggplant should be peeled and prepared for use immediately before cooking. For the same reason, it is best to use a stainless steel knife.
  2. Harvesting forest berries is one of the backbones of the diet of our distant ancestors, gatherers and hunters. Even today, this type of fruit has an important place in the culinary traditions of many peoples around the world. Berries are a diverse and versatile group of small-sized and round-shaped fruits with seeds “packed” in juicy flesh. At the same time, each species has a striking intense color, a characteristic smell and taste. Forest fruit porridge: make a puree of 450 grams of mixed forest fruit, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. Then divide the puree into 4 portions (4 plates). Top each portion with a spoonful of yogurt and decorate as desired.
  3. The basic ingredients for making pasta are flour obtained from durum wheat and liquid (most often water). By grinding the endosperm of such wheat, yellow flour with a slightly higher protein content is obtained. This type of flour is primarily suitable for pasta, although it can also be used for other types of bakery products.
  4. After frying the fish, the fried fish or smaller pieces of fish should be placed on several layers of paper kitchen towel to remove any excess oil used. Fish can also be prepared in special containers in which the food is steamed or in a minimal amount of water.
  5. Squid rings rolled in flour and then deep-fried are very popular because of the short preparation time. However, whole cleaned squid can also be grilled. Whole squids are boiled and then fried as desired to get a delicious squid salad.
  6. Seafood, like fish, is rich in protein and at the same time has a low fat content and low energy value. Squid and crabs have a high cholesterol content, so these products should be used in moderation.
  7. It is important that the eggs are healthy and fresh for any use. The egg class, packing date, weight and expiration date should be indicated on the egg packaging.
  8. Grapefruit is an ideal snack. Only half of a grapefruit provides the daily need for vitamin C. Grapefruit is an excellent source of plant fiber and vitamin A, has few calories and creates a feeling of satiety.
  9. Margarine is a common ingredient in delicacies and is obtained by hydrogenating vegetable oils (which are naturally rich in unsaturated fatty acids but also contain trans fatty acids). That is why even people with elevated blood fats can occasionally use margarine in small quantities.
  10. Whenever possible, use dark chocolate with as high a percentage of cocoa as possible – this is the doctor’s recommendation. Dark chocolate is known to be rich in flavonoids beneficial for health.

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