Potatoes are boiled in their skins and pierced with a fork several times to speed up the cooking process. Put the potatoes in cold water after cooking, because the skin is then easier to separate

Potatoes are boiled in their skins and pierced with a fork several times to speed up the cooking process. Put the potatoes in cold water after cooking, because the skin is then easier to separate

  1. Even in the slaughterhouse, the meat goes through the mandatory “ripening” process, which makes it soft and tasty. Muscles relax over time and acidity increases in the muscles (which is a natural process of protein softening). The acidic environment increases the muscle’s ability to bind water, making the meat juicier. To prepare a beef dish (or beef steak, for example), it is preferable to cut the meat into smaller pieces (and possibly form a medallion shape with your hands). Slices of meat can be wrapped with kitchen string so that the meat becomes firm and the pieces retain their shape. In the history of cooking and gastronomy, the most famous tournedo “Rossini” is prepared from steak with a piece of goose liver.
  2. The potato is a starchy vegetable that was widely used in early cuisines around the world. The nutritional value of potatoes increases in combination with small amounts of meat, fish or different types of vegetables. Potatoes are boiled in their skins and pierced with a fork several times to speed up the cooking process. Put the potatoes in cold water after cooking, because the skin is then easier to separate.
  3. Basil is one of the most used spices in Asian and Mediterranean cuisine. There are many types of basil, but these types differ slightly in aroma and taste. It is best to choose fresh basil (if conditions allow) because fresh basil has the most intense taste. Fresh basil leaves should be an intense and clear green color without dark parts and yellow spots.
  4. Orange peel is used in cooking and confectionery because it contains various essential oils (limonene above all others). It is important to have washed fruit if you use the peel, and it is ideal to have organically grown orange fruit without pesticides and other chemical substances. You should pay attention to the appearance of the peel when buying oranges. The bark should not be damaged and shriveled, stained or moldy. Hold the fruit in your hands, which should be firm and have the right weight for its size, because the heavier the orange, the juicier it is.
  5. Worschster sauce is a harmonious mixture of a large number of different ingredients. It is made from onions and garlic, soy sauce, molasses, Indian spice tamarind, sardines, vinegar and other spices. It is used for seasoning meat, sauces, soups and vegetables.
  6. The type of pea with more sugar can be recognized by the shape of the pea grain. Most often, irregularly shaped peas are sweeter. You should pay attention to the amount of salt when cooking peas, because salt increases the hardness of peas.
  7. If white rice is used, then a good choice is rice labeled “paraboiled”, which is between integral and glazed rice in terms of nutritional value. This rice is prepared by a special process of steaming while it is still in the husk (which accelerates the transfer of nutrients from the husk to the kernel).
  8. Fresh ground meat is a perishable food and should be used within 24 hours. Keep deep frozen for 2 to 3 months. Fried minced meat can be kept in the fridge for 2 days, and deep-frozen fried minced meat for 3 to 4 months. Minced beef, for example, can be used in different ways (it can be made into burgers, meatballs that are boiled, baked or fried, or served as a side dish, appetizer or main course. Stewed minced meat is used as a topping for spaghetti, meat lasagna, cannelloni and other dishes ).
  9. The best way to keep smoked fish is in a dry place and in the fridge. The fish can be smeared with neutral oil, keeping it fresh and beautiful for a long time. When standing for a long time on the smoked fish, a scum of salt appears that has absorbed moisture – it should be carefully wiped with kitchen paper.
  10. Banana is a delicious fruit that contains a lot of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. Banana immediately creates a feeling of satiety, so it is often used in the diet of athletes. An average banana contains about 100 kcal.

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