Mango, avocado peel (or banana peel) is a natural alternative to botox

Mango, avocado peel (or banana peel) is a natural alternative to botox
Fruit (and vegetable) peels should not be thrown away because they can have another purpose, for example in cosmetics at home (as well as in a compost for garden plants and other purposes). Strawberries are also a treasure trove of antioxidants.

  1. Mango peel (or banana peel) is useful as a result of rubbing the face with the peel and the face becomes tight and with fewer wrinkles.
  2. Lightly and gently rub the face with the inner side of the fruit peel. The skin will be soft and the pores narrowed.
  3. Dermatologists say there is no scientific evidence that “rubbing your face” with mango (or banana) peel can help with dark circles, wrinkles and inflammatory skin conditions. However, mangoes and bananas (and other fruits) contain antioxidants, so they can sometimes be used for these cosmetic purposes (at home) in the form of a replacement for vitamin C serum. Antioxidants can help with skin cell damage caused by smoke, UV rays from the sun and environmental pollution.
  4. The face can be rubbed with mango peel (or banana for example) every morning for better results or once a week.
  5. Cut a large strawberry in half and rub half of it on your face. Strawberries are the 4th on the list of foods with the highest concentration of antioxidants (which protect the body and thus the skin of the face from harmful radicals and thus slow down aging and prevent many diseases).
  6. Avocado peel is also a popular skin-tightening, wrinkle-smoothing “natural botox” (because avocados contain vitamins E and C in addition to healthy fats, vitamin K, fiber and other nutrients). It can be applied daily or as needed.

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